Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Random update

So over the past weekend I was doing some housework and I realized things that made sound...it was interesting and exciting.

I was mixing up the water and soap to mop the kitchen when all the sudden I heard this noise....I could not figure out for the life of me what it was. I was probably hilarious to watch as I roamed around the kitchen trying to find the sound. Well I found it....It was the popping of the bubbles in my mop water. I did not even know that bubbles made a sound. I loved it....I just put my head over the bucket and listened for a few minutes.

I was boiling water the other day to make tea, and I was in the other room. Once again I heard something that I couldn't identify. Well this one was easier to figure out. I heard the water boiling in the kitchen.

When I was in Chapel Hill for my mapping I heard one thing that I never thought I would hear. I was looking forward to spring just to hear this....birds. Where I live it is too cold and the birds are long gone for the winter. In Chapel Hill I was walking to the car and I heard the birds singing. It was gorgeous. I just stopped and stood there listening to the music of the birds....there is nothing better at this point.

That's all for now.

1 comment:

syarboro said...

Lauren- I was so happy to get your message. We had a mini-lesson on the inner ear and I shared your blog with my second graders.

The following comments are from the kids:

Bennett: We are so proud for you!

Sadie: I'm glad you're able to hear now.

Abbey: I hope your next surgery goes well.

Lukus and Ashley: When you get back from surgery I hope you feel better.

Jeremiah: I hope your next implant goes good.

Kila: My birthday is on April 7 and I think that will be a good luck charm!

Jake: There is a bunch of interesting things to hear.

Isaac: Will you share your blog with us next time?

Breanna: I hope your surgery goes well.

Collin: Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

McKayla: Thank you for sharing your story with us.

PLEASE keep us posted. We look forward to following your progress.
