Saturday, May 2, 2009

Elk River Falls--fun sounds

Kevin and I were bored this morning so we went out for an adventure. We went for a hike to the Elk River Falls. It was fun, no one was around, and the weather was perfect. The sound of the falls was was a lot louder than I expected. I loved every moment of it though. The only thing I was wary of was the water. We climbed out on the rocks to sit in front of the falls and I was paranoid about falling and my implants going in the water, or better yet, them falling off my head and never being found again. Either way...I had a blast and I still have two implants! I know I am weird, don't bother telling me that. We noticed one thing at the falls that would take a brave soul...I would never do it. At the top of the falls there was a rope tied into a tree. We assume that it is used for people to jump off the falls, however I personally don't think that would be a great idea.
It was a great morning and we had a blast...we are very fortunate to live so close to beautiful things in nature. These falls are about 20 minutes from our house.

Anyways here is a picture of the main fall. The others are just small falls that flow into this one, and a few that go out.

This is me and Kevin being silly. I was trying to take a picture of us sitting on the rocks at the bottom of the falls.
A fun back to writing a paper!
Have a great weekend!


sara said...

What a great swimming hole! :)

deafdude said...

I would remove my HAs as id be too afraid of risking damaging them. You live in a wonderful location close to the beauty of nature, id like to relocate from FL